Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Kick in the Pants

So as of this month I started writing the Sunday School toddler curriculum for my church. I have only completed one month of it but I really enjoy it. I submitted my first batch on Monday. This is important so remember this :)
My favorite toddler :)
Fast forward to Wednesday when I received a phone call from the temp. agency I have been using since September 2012 to find a job. They had a job they thought I might be interested in, it sounded good to me so I said they could throw my resume over to the company. With a temp. agency you don't know who the company is until you are scheduled for an interview. Now if you read my "Year in Review" post you know I have been a stay at home mom since June. When I didn't receive the last job I went for in late October, I thought God's plan was for me to stay at home so I stopped looking and started my Jamberry business. I was content and at peace with what I thought was the plan. So receiving this phone call in the first place was a surprise.

They called me a couple hours later to say the job was at Dick's Sporting Goods Corporate (DSG) but the company I would be interviewing with is a vendor of their's who embeds their employees at the corporate building. Me and all my athletic passions just loved that I was going to get to go to DSG corporate for the interview.

So first interview goes well. An hour and a half after the company from late October calls, another position opened up and they asked for me. So in the course of 24 hours I went from being content being home with my daughter to having two really good companies interested in me. I can't make this stuff up. I was given one interview at 10am and the second at 2:30pm. The agency contacted me later on to say that the DSG vendor conveyed to them that the job was mine to lose. As long as I didn't blow the second interview I would be receiving an offer. That was great to hear but then they said I needed to be prepared to make a decision by the end business Friday.

That whole night I was talking to family and friends to weigh the pro's and con's of each job. Most of the conversations were me saying how speechless I was about the situation. One of our family friends said this, "I live by the motto 'God's never in a hurry because He's always on time.'" Well remember how I said I wrote toddler curriculum on Monday? Here was the last lesson I wrote, "With God the timing He chooses is perfect. God is never late or early. God is always on time." Copy and pasted from my word document. I wrote it Monday before I knew what Wednesday through Friday would hold.  Now don't stop reading, there is more!

So as you can imagine the next morning I was really nervous. Depending on the days events I could have a job in less than 24 hours, a life changing job. I went to DSG Corp. and sat down in their amazing lobby (Yes even their lobby is fabulous). One of the many vendors with meetings came a few minutes later and sat down with me. I was reading a Sports Illustrated magazine and probably looked jittery. He started talking to me and it took my mind off of the huge interview. He asked about why I was there and I gave him a brief synopsis of the situation. He says with a smile, "Everything will work out. But I think you should work here. It is great  and you will love it." '

The interview went better than I could have planned. It just felt perfect. The two people who met with me made me feel like I had finally found "my people." The job description combines all of my talents and includes my passion for sports even though it is just the retail products they are working around. It is as close to a dream job as a 20-something can get. With that said, it seemed pretty clear to me that the second interview of the day wasn't necessary. I filled out the necessary paper work and accepted the job offer 20 minutes later.

Now who was going to take care of our little princess? There is a daycare 30 seconds down the road from us but they weren't sure of their availability so that was out. I told that to the woman from my MOPS group who watched Lily during both interviews and she offered to watch her full time! I feel so much more comfortable with that and she has 3 children around Lily's age so that's a bonus. Within 2 minutes of having a potential crisis God had an answer. Now I am a complete control freak but this whole situation I can't even logically explain. I have been a Christian since I was in elementary school but this is the first time I can say without a doubt God did this! He gave me this opportunity, dropped it in my lap and made it all work out. He spoke through my friend Thursday night, He sent me a vendor at DSG to calm my jitters and provided childcare for our daughter in the best possible situation. This whole thing definitely gave me the kick in the pants I needed to trust God, no matter what. I might want to control everything but God does it better. If you have any doubts that God knows what He is doing remember this story, it's a good one.

Now to reward you for reading this novel..... Lily can walk! Not consistent but we will take it! And it is just  too adorable.


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