Anyway in the past week we have painted the dining room, pulled up carpet, ventured into the world of home projects, sanded, primed and painted our dining room floor. Mike and I were exhausted because that took us but mostly Mike a week to finish. I am so glad it is done now! For the walls we picked Behr's Porpoise (left) and for the floor Behr's Subtle Touch (right). I wanted to do a white floor because of all the woodwork in the room but had to compromise for grey since my man knew how dirty our dog's feet can be. Good thinking! We used the best prime ever (Zinssers) and barely had to sand using an orbital sander over places the carpet pad was stubborn. One coat primer and one coat Behr's porch paint, leave for 24 hours and boom, new floors!
with the woodwork, oh and our printer :)
This was my own little project from Pinterest. Some people attach cork board while others made wood strips into the hook holders. I am not that handy so I got command hooks and put then right on my old cabinet doors. I have been using it for a week or so now and love it! So much easier to find my measuring supplies and my "Misc" drawer is cleaner and easier to close :)
That week I also took Lily for her 6 month appointment. She grew 2.25in and almost exactly 2lbs in 2 months so now she is a whopping 26.25in long (50-75th percentile) and 14lbs 6oz (25th percentile)! I would say we have a tall string bean on our hands! Lily only had to get two shots this time and we chose a sticker for her at the end. The light wasn't helpful but it says "Official Leprechaun Spotter."
In the upcoming months Lily will be traveling all over OH, PA, and MD for soccer so good thing this little girl loves road trips! I also wanted to announce that we will be having her dedicated on Mother's Day at our church. Mike's mom and mine will have the information so either talk to them or us if you would like to come. Of course pictures will be posted afterward if you can't make it!
My last thing is for all my engineer friends out there. This is Lily at the doctor's office using her blanket to make a bridge to hold her bottle up while she drinks. Not the most flattering picture but oh well, thought ya'll would appreciate that ;)
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