Well the news is finally official, Mike started his new job today! We are very excited because it will allow us to spend more time together as a family. The regular office hours will let Mike coach more too! In 2014 Mike will also get back into completing his masters program so that one day he can get a head coaching job at a college. But for the time being it looks like we will be in Western PA a bit longer and as a result after the holidays I hope to get more of the house decorated to make it more of a home. After living in our house for 2 years I realized that the other day that I have barely decorated or painted! So in 2014 I hope to...

1) paint the dining room table since we bought it unfinished to begin with
2) paint the dining room, after we bought the house we realized the previous owner didn't move furniture when she painted so I want to fix that:) Isn't this a fun color scheme minus the coral? >>>>
3) Get rid of the carpet in the dining room. The equation of dog cages, dropped food from a growing baby and old carpet = let's get rid of it. Not sure if we have time to refinish the hardwood underneath or funds to put down laminate but definitely something that needs some work.
*Are we sensing a trend with the dining room?
Some other new things this year are Mike and I's New Year's resolution. We are really excited that this year, unlike the other three of our marriage, we have no big event planned or expected. No new marriage, no new house, and no birth announcement definitely let's us breathe a little bit. So for our resolution we don't want to do anything extra this year some of that is necessary financially and some of that is making sure we have down time which has been a rare thing with our baby girl, soccer, school, and work. In keeping with that theme we have gotten rid of our cable and I have decided to embark on reading 52 books in 52 weeks. So if you have any suggestions hit me up!
This is the first book I am reading. I am more than half way through but am still waiting for it to get interesting. This year I have also gotten a gym membership so that I can chip away at this lingering baby weight. I have a wedding to be in (my incredible brother's :) this summer and a dress to purchase by February. Needless to say the pressure is on so that I can pick a dress that will compliment my current "shape." I think Mike finished his New Year's resolution a little early by getting his new job and I am not complaining!
As a couple we want to make us more of a priority in 2014. It isn't that we don't spend time together but too often its talking soccer or discussing future plans instead of enjoying each other or dating. Thanks to
this website which I found through Pinterest Mike and I are really excited to start dating again. Even though we have our daughter and can easily fall into the old married couple routine, at 24/25 years old that doesn't have to happen and shouldn't! This is the resolution I am most giddy about and I encourage anyone in a relationship to check out some of the ideas on the website and try them. If you have ever seen the movie Fireproof, this website reminds me of what couples need to do so that you never get to where they were in the movie.
Anyway Happy 2014 and here's to trusting that God knows what is going on in our crazy life.